Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.


Michelle can’t come to the phone. She _____________. She _________to sleep in the afternoon.


The correct sequence is:

sleeps – loves

is sleeping – loves 

is sleeping – love

sleep – love 

is sleeping – is loving 

A utilização de readers no curso de língua estrangeira representa:

a dificuldade de se ler na língua inglesa.

o desenvolvimento de uma atividade solitária.

a busca de relações com o que conhecemos.

a ausência de avaliação por ser algo pessoal.

a leitura de obras integrais na língua-alvo.

Após a leitura baseada nas técnicas instrumentais, leia o texto para responder a questão.

The biggest holiday of the year and the one many people, specially children enjoy the most is Christmas Day. Soon after thanksgiving, people start sending Christmas cards and decorate their houses. Almost every home has a Christmas tree. German soldiers started this tradition in the U.S. during the Revolutionary War o 1776.

The evening before Christmas Day is called Christmas Eve.  On Christmas Eve many people go to church and sing Christmas carols, and the President gives his Christmas message on TV. Parents tell children that Santa Claus will come to their house in the night and leave presents for them.

On Christmas Day, people open their presents and then they prepare a traditional dinner of turkey or ham with vegetables, salads and desserts. There are also special cookies, candies, nuts and fruits.  Christmas dinner is eaten  late in  the afternoon. During the day, many families watch special Christmas TV and children play with their new toys. Some people go ice-skating or drive around town to look at the decorations.

  (From: American Customs and Traditions, Longman) 


Match the two columns according to the text:


I.­ Every home has a… 

II.­ Many people go to… 

III.­ The evening before Christmas is called… 

IV.­ People sing… 

V.­ The president gives…


(     ) Christmas Eve. 

(     ) message on TV. 

(     ) Christmas tree.

(     ) church. 

(     ) Christmas carols.


The correct sequence is:

V, IV, III, I e II

I, III, V, II e IV

III, V, I, II e IV

II, III, V, IV e I  

IV, II, I, III e V

Read the paragraph and check the correct answer according to the text.


Anette and Mieko are very good friends. They are also neighbors. They go to the same school, and they are classmates in English class. Miss Park is their English teacher. Every day they go to school together. After school, they go home and talk about their other friends at school. Then they do their homework. Next year, after they finish school, they’re going to study at the university. They want to be nurses. Maybe they can be colleagues, too!


Read the sentences and write T (true) or F (false).


I- Miss Park and Mieko go to school together. (    )

II- Anette is Mieko’s teacher. (    )

III- Miss Park and Mieko aren’t friends. (    )

IV- After school, Anette and Mieko do their homework. (    )


The correct sequence is:

T – F – T – F 

T – T – T – F 

F – T – F – F

F – F – T – T

F – F – F – T 

Observe as competências que podem ser resultantes da leitura na aula de língua estrangeira no Ensino Médio.


(I) o desenvolvimento de sua competência linguística;

(II) a ampliação de sua visão interdisciplinar do mundo;

(III) a capacidade de reproduzir o conteúdo lido;

(IV) o desenvolvimento de seu senso de cidadania;

(V) a habilidade de produzir resumos e resenhas.


Aquelas que estão de acordo com as orientações dos PCN são: 

I, II e IV.

II, III e V.

III, IV e V.

I, III e IV. 

I, II e III.

A fábula é uma composição literária em que os personagens são geralmente animais, forças da natureza ou objetos, que apresentam características humanas, tais como a fala, os costumes, etc. Estas histórias geralmente terminam com um ensinamento moral de caráter instrutivo.

Leia o diálogo entre o leão e o rato.

                                                       The Lion and the Mouse

               One morning a lion almost stepped on a mouse in the forest. “Please, Mister Lion”, said the mouse. “Don’t eat me, I’m so small”. “You’re right”, said the lion, and he carefully stepped around the tiny creature.

               Later that same day, the mouse found the lion trapped in a net prepared to capture wild animals. With his sharp teeth, the mouse soon gnawed the threads of the net, and the lion was free.

               “Thanks a lot, little friend. Now how can I repay you?” the lion asked. “Never mind”, the mouse said. “After all, you let me go free earlier today, and one good turn deserves another”.

                Little kindness often have big results.

                                           (Adapted from “Listen to Aesop” – Get Ready, Editora Moderna)


Write T (true) or F (false) according to the text:


1-    (    ) The following day the mouse found the lion trapped in a net.

2-    (    ) The mouse found the lion trapped in a hole.

3-    (    ) The mouse gnawed the threads of the net with his teeth.

4-    (    ) The mouse wanted a reward immediately.


The correct sequence is:

F – F – T – T  

T – T – F – T 

T – F – T – F 

F – F – T – F

F – T – T – T 

Read the following extract from the text “Know before you go”, available of the English book.


“Every culture has unwritten “rules” about the appropriate and inappropriate dress. Some cultures have a liberal attitude about clothing, while other cultures are more conservative.”

(ASCHER; SASLOW, 2006, p. 84)


Read the following statements about the formation of the highlighted words:


I) O prefixo un– significa “ser o contrário de”.

II) O prefixo in– significa “abaixo de”.

III) O sufixo –al originou um substantivo.

IV) O sufixo –ing originou um verbo.

V) O sufixo –ive originou um adjetivo.


The correct statements are:

I and II

III and IV

I and III

I and IV

I and V

Choose the correct response to the questions. Write the letter on the parentheses.


1. How was your vacation? (    )

2. Where did you go? (    )

3. How long were you there? (    )

4. Was the weather good? (    )

5. How were the accommodations? (    )

6. Were there a lot of things to do? (    )

7. Was the food OK? (    )


A. No, it wasn’t. It rained all week.

B. Terrific. It was so much fun.

C. Jamaica.

D. Yes, there were. We were busy all the time.

E. Yes, it was good. But a little spicy.

F. Just a week.

G. Clean and comfortable.


The correct sequence is:

E – F – C – A – D – E – D 

G – C – D – E – F – A – B 

A – F – D – E – G – C – B

B – C – G – E – D – A – F 

B – C – F – A – G – D – E

Sheila went to a historical town during her vacations. Read the conversation between Sheila and her friend, Angie, about her trip.


Angie: “So, did you visit the ancient ruins?” 

Sheila: “No, I didn´t.” 

Angie: “Why not?” 

Sheila: “There were no maps available, I asked for directions but locals didn´t give me attention.”


The problem during Sheila´s trip was:

She didn´t like the visit.

Someone stole her map.

She missed the bus.

The visit was cancelled.

People were unfriendly.

Olivia: “What DVD player do you recommend?”


    Terry: “I think you should buy the XPR. As it is compact, it is ______ model.”


The adjective form that completes the sentence is:



the least portable

more portable

the most portable

as portable as